Detail batwing knit kids | 5-7-8 thn | blouse anak | baju anak murah
Deskripsi: maksimal pakai umur 5-6-7-8-thn ~Bahan Rajut ~Qualitas Premium ~Tebal ~Nyaman di pakai ~Lembut ~Tidak panas ~Dan tidak mudah berbulu. Cocok untuk sister sister yang ingin tampil Kekinian, Trendy dan Fashionable. Di tambah dengan bahan lembut, dan tidak mudah kusut yg menambah kesan rapih. DISARANKAN JANGAN MENCUCI DENGAN SIKAT Silahkan di Order, jangan lupa IKUTI Toko kami ya... HAPPY SHOPING 🙏😊 Description: ~Knitting Material ~Premium Quality ~Thick ~Comfortable to wear ~Soft ~Not hot ~ And not easily hairy. Suitable for sisters who want to look Contemporary, Trendy and Fashionable. Added with soft material, and not easily wrinkled which adds to the neat impression. Please order, don't forget to FOLLOW our store... HAPPY SHOPPING 🙏 😊