Detail Baterai Nokia 6 4G Lte HE317 Double IC - Batre Batere Batrai Batrei Battery original
Baterai Nokia 6 4G Lte HE317 Double IC ProtectionSafety & High Quality BatteryLi-Po Temperature Fuse Control 2IC & SwitchesSlimmer, lighter cells contributes to the weight reduction and downsizing of portabe products. Rakkipanda Li-ion battery is ultra-slim and ultra-light than any other batteries by using high moleculer substances and also provides.Specification: Battery Code: HE317 ( Biasanya tertulis pada body baterai ). Merk: Rakkipanda. Voltage Ranges: 3.7-3.8V / LCV 4.2V. Capacity Label: 4500mAh. Warranty: 12 Months. Compatible: Nokia 6 4G Lte,..Others.Battery Status: Plug and Play / No Pairing ( Langsung pakai ). Full Cell ( Material Padat 99,9% Tanpa Rangka). No Back Door Cover ( Tidak perlu ganti casing belakang ). Size & Capacity (+-)= Original Battery ( Bundling HP).Warning: Do not dispose the battery in a fire as it may explode, battery may also explode if damaged. Do not disassemble or modify the battery, or for any other purpose. Do not expose the battery to liquid or subject to strong mechanical shocks. Do not expose to high temperatures 140F/60C. Do not short-circuit the battery, accidental short-circuit can occur when a metalic object such as coin, clip, or pen causes direct connection of the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals of the battery short-circuiting the terminals may damage the bettery the battery or the connecting object.KESEMPURNAAN HANYA MILIK ALLAH, KUALITAS DAN PELAYANAN AKAN TERUS KAMI TINGKATKAN UNTUK MENJADI YANG LEBIH BAIK.
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Baterai Nokia 6 4G Lte HE317 Double IC - Batre Batere Batrai Batrei Battery originalBaterai Nokia 6 4G Lte HE317 Double IC - Batre Batere Batrai Batrei Battery originalBaterai Nokia 6 4G Lte HE317 Double IC - Batre Batere Batrai Batrei Battery original