Eneloop generasi ke-4 : 1000 , 1500 , 1800x , dan sekarang 2100x
-Kode pemesanan = Eneloop A3 800 1 pack isi 4 2100x - Low discharge rate - Can be re-charge up to 2100 times - Begitu dibuka dari packing, LANGSUNG bisa dipakai, tanpa harus di charge dulu -An extra of 300 charging cycles - instead of being rechargeable 1800 times, the new eneloop is even rechargeable up to 2100 times -Retain 65% of the capacity after 5 years ! Improved self-discharge. Even though the self-discharge of the old eneloop was already very impressive, you can store the new eneloop for 5 years and still it will retain 65% of its capacit Battre original