Detail BASMA ABAYA gamis abaya turkey motif bordir original mieux mega store gamis lebaran
Video perkenalan produk BASMA ABAYA gamis abaya turkey motif bordir original mieux mega store gamis lebaran. Sumber: Shopee.
BASMA ABAYA gamis turkey motif bordir original mieux
Must have item abaya modern yang modelnya simpel tapi tetep mewah. Bahan jersey super dipakai jelas adem bahan tebal, jatuh dan melar. Resleting depan busui bisa pakai
Size chart: M to L (LD102cm P140cm) XL to XXL (LD112cm P140cm) Jumbo/XXXL (LD120cm P140cm)
Gambar produk
BASMA ABAYA gamis abaya turkey motif bordir original mieux mega store gamis lebaranBASMA ABAYA gamis abaya turkey motif bordir original mieux mega store gamis lebaranBASMA ABAYA gamis abaya turkey motif bordir original mieux mega store gamis lebaranBASMA ABAYA gamis abaya turkey motif bordir original mieux mega store gamis lebaranBASMA ABAYA gamis abaya turkey motif bordir original mieux mega store gamis lebaran