Cutting your hardline tubing can leave chips and burrs that can lead to cracks and leaks. Solve this issue with Barrow's hard tubing reamer and chamfer tool. Each end of the tool features triangular cutting blades for both deburring and reaming your tubing!
Due to complications with our photographer's schedule; Pictures show red model rather than the black one we will send you.
Warning: This tool is sharp keep it out of reach of children and don't stick your fingers in it.
CATATAN PENTING : * Stock terbatas, silahkan konfirmasi terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli. * Barang Baru. * Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim. * Disarankan menggunakan asuransi. * PRODUK INI TIDAK ADA GARANSI dan TIDAK BISA RETUR * Silahkan sertakan Video Unboxing dari awal terima barang saat melakukan komplain, Tanpa video Unboxing kami tidak akan menerima komplain kekurangan dan kerusakan apapun. * MEMBELI BERARTI ANDA SUDAH MEMBACA DAN SETUJU DENGAN ATURAN INI.