Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya

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Detail Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya

Video perkenalan produk Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya. Sumber: Shopee.

Honeywell Xenon 1900 adalah dirancang sangat elengan dan disesuaikan dengan genggaman anda. Menampilkan sensor khusus yang dioptimalkan untuk barcode scanning, Xenon 1900 menawarkan kinerja industri terkemuka dan keandalan untuk berbagai aplikasi yang memerlukan fleksibilitas teknologi. Didukung oleh Adaptus Teknologi Imaging 6.0, Xenon 1900 memberikan keunggulan dalam melakukan scan barcode dan pengambilan gambar digital. Xenon 1900 menggabungkan arsitektur decoding revolusioner yang menggabungkan Adaptus Teknologi Imaging 5.5 dan perangkat lunak SwiftDecoder Omniplanar bersama dengan sensor kustom, memungkinkan diperpanjang kedalaman lapangan, membaca lebih cepat, dan kinerja pemindaian barcode peningkatan kualitas buruk.

Custom sensor optimised for barcode scanning improves scanning aggressiveness and protects investment by providing supply chain stability, Three focal options (high density, standard range and extended range) provide application-specific scanning, leading to improved productivity,Image processing software offers advanced editing functionality-cropping, brightening, rotating, sharpening and more-to produce high-quality digital images, TotalFreedom 2.0 development platform enables the loading and linking of multiple applications on the scanner to enhance image processing, decoding or data formatting functionality, eliminating the need for host system modifications, Remote MasterMind scanner management software provides a quick and convenient solution for IT administrators seeking to manage all scanners within their network from a single remote location, Optional disinfectant-ready housing protects investment with durable construction that is better able to resist the harmful effects of harsh chemicals

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Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya
Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya
Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya
Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya
Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya
Barcode Scanner Honeywell 2D Xenon 1900GHD Surabaya