Detail Baju Tidur Daster Satin Korea Fashion MERAK Wanita Peacock Babydoll Fashion Silk Sleepwear
Bajutidur Daster satin terbuat dari bahan satin pilihan yang sangat halus dan lembut di kulit, sehingga terasa begitu nyaman digunakan dengan motif lukis yang elegan.
Ada Tali Obi (included) Free Size (Satu Ukuran), Spesifikasi (lebih kuran) : Ld: Up to 113cm Pj daster: 83cm
This bold, enticing robe is the beginning to an adventurous time Very comfortable to touch and wear Special and modern design makes you more attractive, charming, Elegant, Sexy, and Comfie! fashion and chic One size fits for most people