Detail BABYMAX - Ecocert Bottle and Utensils Cleanser 480mL Refill
Bersihkan botol susu dan segala macam keperluan bayi lainnya menggunakan Babymax Ecocert Bottle & Utensil Cleanser.
Petunjuk Penyimpanan : Simpan Di Tempat Kering Dan Tidak Terkena Sinar Matahari
Detail Produk : - Sabun pencuci botol dan peralatan makan - Dapat secara efektif membersihkan residu sisa-sisa susu dan makanan - Mudah dibilas - Aroma yang lembut - Dapat dipergunakan untuk mencuci buah dan sayuran
Ecocert COSMOS (COSMetic Organic andnatural Standard) is the world’s leadingcertification which enables the labelling of Ecocert COSMOS for the main ingredients used in Babymax Bottle and Utensils Cleanser. Our Ecocert COSMOS certified ingredients are from natural origin meaning a minimum of 95% of the plants it contains is organic. The main ingredients used in Babymax with COSMOS certification also guarantees environmentally friendly production, responsible use of natural resources, absence of petrochemical ingredients, and absence of Genetically Modified Organisms (non-GMO).
Isi : Refill 480mL
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BABYMAX - Ecocert Bottle and Utensils Cleanser 480mL RefillBABYMAX - Ecocert Bottle and Utensils Cleanser 480mL RefillBABYMAX - Ecocert Bottle and Utensils Cleanser 480mL RefillBABYMAX - Ecocert Bottle and Utensils Cleanser 480mL RefillBABYMAX - Ecocert Bottle and Utensils Cleanser 480mL Refill