Baby rattle teether with light and sound

Ibu & Bayi > Mainan > Mainan & Playmat Bayi > Baby rattle teether with light and sound
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Detail Baby rattle teether with light and sound

👉 Bahan: ABS Ramah Lingkungan ( Aman untuk Bayi )

👉 Cocok untuk 0-3 Tahun
👉 Telinga rattle aman untuk di gigit oleh bayi
👉 Dapat Mengeluarkan Music Dan Lampu
👉 Dapat Menjadi Krincingan Jika digoyangkan
👉 Menggunakan Baterai AA ( Tidak Termasuk dalam Paket pembelian)

Gambar produk

Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound
Baby rattle teether with light and sound