Baby Einstein Driving Tunes . Rp 265.000 . Put baby in the driver's seat for discovery and fun with this engaging steering wheel. The Baby Einstein Driving Tunes features 8 classical melodies and fun car sounds which will keep baby engaged. Baby will be introduced to number and color discovery in 3 languages (French, Spanish, and English). Press the colorful buttons to activate classical melodies and color and number discovery in 3 languages; press the car “horn” for car sounds and classical melodies. This dynamic toy encourages motor skill development while keeping baby smiling. Babies will love their first driver.
Features: - Features 8 short classical melodies and 6 car sounds - Press the light-up number buttons for classical melodies, color and number - Discovery in 3 languages: English, Spanish and French - Press central “horn” button for car sounds and classical melodies - Real-life imagery display - Encourages motor skill practice