6. Sweet Orange (Happy) Aromatherapy Massage Oil Uplifts the mind by encouraging cheerful thoughts while it lightly moisturizes the body. Massage away your worries anytime with this bright and beautiful aroma therapeutic orange oils that softens and soothes the skin. Benefit: 1. Rejuvenating, calms your body and mind that leads to relaxation 2. Maintain smooth and glowing skin 3. detoxify and boost immune system 4. ease digestive problem 5. Suitable for all skin types, including kids and pregnant women
Usage: Massage away stress and tension while moisturizing and replenishing dry skin. Can be used anywhere on the body. Suitable for all ages.
Note: Do not expose with direct sunlight after applications.
KEgunaan: Ayudya ORage Massage Oil dapat membangkitkan rasa ceria, selain melembutkan dan menenangkan kulit. bermanfaat unutk meremajakan. Menjaga kulit halus dan bersinar. Cocok untuk semua jenis kulit, termasuk anak-anak dan wanita hamil
CARA PAKAI: Sebagai Massage oil dan apat digunakan di mana saja pada tubuh. Cocok untuk segala usia.
NOTE: Lindungi dengan sinar matahari langsung setelah aplikasi.
Ayudya Massage oil tersedia dalam varian : Refresh Cinnamon, Happy Orange, Calm Ginger, Beauty Chocolate, Peace Lemongrass, dan Relax Olive.