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Auto Boost Buck DC Step Up Down Converter LM2577 LM2596 CC CV Adjust

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Detail Auto Boost Buck DC Step Up Down Converter LM2577 LM2596 CC CV Adjust

Auto Boost Buck DC Step Up Down Converter LM2577 LM2596 CC CV Adjust

Auto Boost Buck module yang sudah dilengkapi dengan fitur CC CV dan LED Indicator


- Input Voltage : 4-35V
- Output voltage: Continuously adjustable(1.25-25V unload adjust)
- Chip LM2596 & XL6019
- Output current: 3A Max(If more than 15W, please install the heat sink)
- CC range : 0-2A (adjustable)
- Revolving light current: CC value * (1%-100%), default is 0.1 times
- Minimum voltage difference: 2V
- Output power: natural cooling 15W
- Conversion efficiency: 80% (the higher the output voltage, the higher the efficiency)
- Operating Temperature: Industrial (-40 degree to +85 degree) (ambient temperature more than 40degree, lower power use, or add heat sink)\
- Full load temperature rise: 45 degree
- Indicator: CC indicator is Red, charging indicator is Red, charging completed the indicator is Blue.
- Output short circuit protection: Yes, constant current.
- Connect method: Can solder on the PCB with wire directly
- Input: IN+ input Positive is, IN- input negative
- Output: OUT+ output is positive, OUT- output negative
- Module Size: 50 x 37 x 13mm

- Driver LED
- Charger / Cas semua type battery
- Solar Controller, wind generator voltage regulator circuit board power supply, such as automatic buck regulator circuit.
- Power supply / regulator peralatan elektronik
- Dll

Cara penggunaan:
- Pastikan tegangan dan arus di sesuaikan dengan spesifikasi dari battery yang akan di charge atau LED jika sbg driver
- Ukur tegangan output dengan multitester putar potensio (CV Adjust) sesuai dengan tegangan yang di inginkan
- Untuk arus / current / ampere gunakan ampere meter dengan skala 10A, short pada outputnya dengan ammeter tersebut. lalu putar potensio (CC Adjust) untuk mendapatkan arus yang di inginkan

1x LM2577 XL6019 Auto Buck Boost Converter

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Auto Boost Buck DC Step Up Down Converter LM2577 LM2596 CC CV Adjust
Auto Boost Buck DC Step Up Down Converter LM2577 LM2596 CC CV Adjust
Auto Boost Buck DC Step Up Down Converter LM2577 LM2596 CC CV Adjust
Auto Boost Buck DC Step Up Down Converter LM2577 LM2596 CC CV Adjust