Video perkenalan produk Aura Label - Jade Dress Set. Sumber: Shopee.
Dress ini terdiri dari 2 pieces, inner dan outer. Bagian outer dress terbuat dari tulle bordir premium tanpa lengan dengan detail bordir semi ethnic dan pattern yang unik dengan kombinasi beberapa pattern. Dress dilengkapi dengan tali untuk diikatkan di pinggang dan penampilan jadi lebih slim dan rapi.
Desain dress yang rapi dan minimalis membuat dress lebih elegant dan mewah serta memberikan kesan mewah dan glamour namun tetap anggun. Warna silver sage yang fresh membuat kulit lebih terang dan cocok untuk dipakai di berbagai acara indoor ataupun outdoor.
This Dress consists of two pieces, inner and outer. The Outer part of this dress is made from an embroidered tulle fabric that has a beautiful semi-ethnic pattern. The pattern in the outer part has a few patterns that will be perfect to wear because of their combination.
The design of this dress which is so tiny and minimalist will make this dress looks more elegant and will offer you ‘fancy and glamour looks when you wear it but it’s also will make you look elegant. The fresh silver green colour of this dress will make our skin look brighter and this dress will fit for all occasions whether it is indoor or outdoor.