Detail Arm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARIS
Arm Sleeve berfungsi untuk melindungi tangan anda dari sengatan sinar matahari saat kegiatan outdoor, terutama saat bersepeda dan kegiatan outdoor lainnya. Terbuat dari bahan elastis sehingga bisa pres mengikuti bentuk lengan anda. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brand: Rockbros Model: -XT9002BK (Black) -XT9002W (White) Material: Lycra Prevent bask in: SPF 5 Size: Allsize Panjang : 33-36cm (Masih bisa lebih panjang karena sangat elastis) Harga Untuk 2 Pieces (1 Pasang ) Manset Rockbros
Feature : Sunscreen UV protection Professional testing, effective UV protection. Exercise in strong sunlight to protect the skin. Stitching process Flat and smooth splicing process, flat and high strength. Not dropped without distortion. In exercise, more comfortable. Absorb sweat and breathe during summer sports. Reduce exercise stress, let the body maintain a comfortable temperature.
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Arm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARISArm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARISArm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARISArm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARISArm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARISArm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARISArm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARISArm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARISArm Sleeve Rockbros XT9002 Manset Outdoor Anti UV, Premium quality, Fashion TERLARIS