Ardenleon baby sleepsuit Harga: 79,000/pc . 100% COMBED COTTON Breathable and super soft Safe for baby's sensitive skin
TWO WAY ZIPPER Quick Diaper changes No fumbling with buttons or studs
ZIPPER COVER The handy 2-way zip with catch-free backing strip
FOLD OVER HAND MITTENS (up to 12 months) No more scratches, No more lost mittens
TOE SAFE Enclosed feet to keep them warm and comfortable
UKURAN PRODUK: (0-3 mos) 3-6 kg | Height up to 60cm (3-6 mos) 6-8 kg | Height up to 66cm (6-9 mos) 7.5-8.5 kg | Height up to 71cm (9-12 mos) 8.5-9.5 kg | Height up to 76cm (12-18 mos) 9.5-10.5 kg | Height up to 81cm . #oobabyardenleon #oobabybabywear
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Arden leon baby sleepsuitArden leon baby sleepsuitArden leon baby sleepsuitArden leon baby sleepsuit