Detail Aquila 136U Single String 4th Tenor Low G Wound Red Senar Satuan Ukulele
Red Series - Nylgut made firstly elastic and then added with red copper powder in order to increase the density to about twice that of standard white Nylgut. Slightly rough surface; this texture has eliminated the squeak that sometime happen with the Nylguts.
The new red-brown strings feature a great feel, excellent elasticity andaccurate intonationpast the 12th fret. Pressing strongly the string on the frets, the note does not became sharper.It is not necessary to file the nut slot wider to accommodate it.
* Harga Untuk 1 Senar Bukan 1 Set Senar *
ATTENTION! The Red Series strings must be stretched by your fingers in a gentle way. Not too much. The settle up in tune in 2-3 days.
CATATAN: 1. Senar yang dikirim kondisi baru dan tersegel. Buat video unboxing dan cek apakah senar diterima lengkap dan kondisi baik. Tanpa video unboxing mohon maaf klaim senar kurang atau rusak tidak dilayani 2. Sebelum pasang senar cek kondisi saddle, nut dan fretboard apakah ada bagian tajam yang dapat merusak senar. 3. Gunakan alat bantu seperti tuner digital atau applikasi tuner agar senar tidak putus akibat overtune. Disarankan juga untuk tuning bertahap (drop tuning) sebelum tuning standard pada awal pemasangan untuk mengurangi resiko senar putus. 4. Senar yang putus akibat kesalahan pemasangan pembeli bukan tanggung jawab penjual.
Aquila 136U Single String 4th Tenor Low G Wound Red Senar Satuan UkuleleAquila 136U Single String 4th Tenor Low G Wound Red Senar Satuan UkuleleAquila 136U Single String 4th Tenor Low G Wound Red Senar Satuan UkuleleAquila 136U Single String 4th Tenor Low G Wound Red Senar Satuan UkuleleAquila 136U Single String 4th Tenor Low G Wound Red Senar Satuan Ukulele