Detail Any eBook Converter 2023 Full Version Lifetime Software All-in-one eBook Converter
Any eBook Converter 1.2.1
Cara Kerja Aplikasi : Add eBooks > Edit Necessary Metadata > Choose Output Format > Start Conversion
*selalu ready stok = silahkan bisa langsung di order
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Keterangan : – Aplikasi full version, lifetime dan permanent (Bukan TRIAL) – Disertai panduan installasi step by step – Untuk Windows only – Bisa dipakai saat online/offline – Pastikan spek device PC/laptop kamu support jalankan aplikasi
Any eBook Converter : – Easily Convert files from Kindle, Adobe, Kobo & Nook eBooks; – Decode-protected and plain eBooks to EPUB, Mobi, PDF, TXT, KFX; – Support up to 24 input formats, such as PRC, HTMLZ, DOCX, etc; – Batch conversion allows you to convert the entire eBook collection; – Edit necessary metadata of the eBooks, such as the author, publisher, etc.
System Requirements: – Windows 7, 8. 10, 11 (64-bit) – RAM 2GB