Detail Anti Gores Screen Protector For Smartwatch Amazfit GTS 2 MINI
▶️ Note Pastikan Sebelum Membeli Memastikan Terlebih Dahulu Jenis Smartwatch Yang Digunakan Agar Tidak Terjadi Kesalahan Pemesanan (Silahkan Chat Admin Untuk Memastikan Bisa Atau Tidak Nya) Kesalahan Pemesanan Tidak Bisa Dikembalikan Atau Ditukar , Mohon Dimengerti Dan Terima Kasih .
⚫ DESKRIPSI Amazfit GTS 2 Mini Smartwatch Screen Protector Film melindungi Smartwatch Anda dari goresan, debu, dan benturan ringan lainya. Screen protector ini terbuat dari bahan berkualitas serta mudah dipasang dilengkapi dengan dry and wet wipes untuk membersihkan screen Smartwatch.
⚫ FEATURE Transparent Full Cover Clear Soft Screen Protection Film For Amazfit GTS 2 Mini Shield and Protect your Screen from Unwanted Scratches Attaches smoothly with self-adhering surface UV Protection : Reduces eye strain caused by the screen Offers tough, durable, transparent surface while keeping the screen clean Incredible HD Vision : zero decrease on the definition of your phone screen
⚫ SPECIFICATIONS Brand : Universal Model : Screen Protector Film For Amazfit GTS 2 Mini Color : Transparent Material : Soft PVC Film Thickness : 0.2mm Net Weight : approx. 1g Automatic bonding High quality antistatic adsorption film Quickly and Easily adhere directly to your Screen Ultra-high light transmittance
⚫ PACKAGE INCLUDED 2 x Amazfit GTS 2 Mini Smartwatch Screen Protector Film Full Frame With Black Border 2 x Dry & Wet Wipes Set ( Note : Full Frame Screen Protector Only, The Device Not Included)
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Anti Gores Screen Protector For Smartwatch Amazfit GTS 2 MINIAnti Gores Screen Protector For Smartwatch Amazfit GTS 2 MINIAnti Gores Screen Protector For Smartwatch Amazfit GTS 2 MINIAnti Gores Screen Protector For Smartwatch Amazfit GTS 2 MINIAnti Gores Screen Protector For Smartwatch Amazfit GTS 2 MINI