Detail Ankaa 16pcs / Set Cover Pelindung Port Usb / Hdmi / Vga / Audio 3.5 "Anti Debu Bahan Silikon
Video perkenalan produk Ankaa 16pcs / Set Cover Pelindung Port Usb / Hdmi / Vga / Audio 3.5 "Anti Debu Bahan Silikon. Sumber: Shopee.
Ankaa 16 pcs / set Silicone Anti-debu USB Pelindung Penutup HDMI Jaringan Port VGA Penutupan 3.5 Audio Universal Perekat Debu Plugs
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Deskripsi Produk Bahan: Silikon Gaya: Minimalis. Warna: Pink, Hitam Kuantitas: 16 set
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Ankaa 16Pcs/set Silicone Anti-dust USB protective cover HDMI network port VGA closure 3.5 audio universal adhesive Dust plugs
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⭐️Note: The picture only shows the sample, due to the light, environment, camera, various effects, the picture is slightly different from the real thing
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