Detail angelswatch mesin hitung uang kozure MC101 original
Video perkenalan produk angelswatch mesin hitung uang kozure MC101 original. Sumber: Shopee.
barang original dan garansi resmi 1 tahun Mesin Hitung Uang ini juga bisa untuk menghitung mata uang selain rupiah seperti Dolar, Euro, Poundsterling, Yen, Real, dll.
Specifications : * Automatic Detecting with UV (ultraviolet) and MG (magnetic) while counting. * Suitable for most currencies in the world. * Automatic Start, Stop, and Clearing. * With Batching, Adding, and Self-Examination Functions. * Double-notes detection (with Infrared Ray detection system). * Automatic half-note detection. * With front and side display. * Counting Speed 1000 pcs/min * Banknote Size : Max : 90x170mm, Min : 50x100mm * Power Consumption : 75W AC220V 50/60Hz * Counting Display : LCD Display * Size of Packaging : 335 x 308 x 210 mm
Garansi Resmi Kozure 1 tahun
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angelswatch mesin hitung uang kozure MC101 originalangelswatch mesin hitung uang kozure MC101 originalangelswatch mesin hitung uang kozure MC101 original