Detail Analog Caps Cute Cat Paw Nintendo Switch JoyCon Joy-Con Thumb Cover
Analog Caps Cute Cat Paw Nintendo Switch JoyCon Joy-Con Thumb Cover Cat Paw Model - Love Edition Harga untuk 1 pcs
Model : Hearty - BlackWhite
100% brand new with high quality
Material: Silicone Compatible With: For Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Controller Improve your gameplay and protect your analogue thumb sticks from wear and tear with these silicone thumb cap for Nintendo Switch The silicone cap enhance thumb stick control and protect your joy-con controller from wear and tear Easy to install ,just turn the caps inside-out and then pop over the sticks.
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Analog Caps Cute Cat Paw Nintendo Switch JoyCon Joy-Con Thumb CoverAnalog Caps Cute Cat Paw Nintendo Switch JoyCon Joy-Con Thumb CoverAnalog Caps Cute Cat Paw Nintendo Switch JoyCon Joy-Con Thumb Cover