AMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth Speaker
AMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth Speaker
Deskripsi singkat
Handphone & Aksesoris > Audio Handphone > Speaker > AMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth Speaker
Detail AMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth Speaker
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Remote Kontrol Dengan remot kontrolAnda dapat mengubah warna mode pencahayaan, kecepatan rotasi, dan menambah atau mengurangi kecerahan. Ciptakan ribuan bintang dengan formasi awan atau tanpa formasi awan, nikmati pertunjukan proyektor lampu bintang yang cantik dari kamar tidur Anda.
Tingkat Kecerahan & Kecepatan Dapat Disesuaikan Tingkat kecerahan dan tingkat kecepatan dapat dipilih sesuai keinginan Anda. Hal ini guna menyesuaikan visual agar tidak mengganggu waktu istirahat. Efek yang sesuai dapat berguna bagi relaksasi fisik dan mental, terutama untuk tidur di malam hari.
Koneksi Bluetooth dan Drive USB yang Dapat Dibaca Anda dapat menghubungkan ponsel melalui bluetooth sehingga dapatmemutar lagu kesukaan sambil menyalakan lampu proyektor yang dapat membuat suasana tidur semakin indah dan menyenangkan.
Spesifikasi AMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 5W 5V - 2186X
Gambar produk
AMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth SpeakerAMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth SpeakerAMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth SpeakerAMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth SpeakerAMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth SpeakerAMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth SpeakerAMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth SpeakerAMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth SpeakerAMARYLLIS Lampu Tidur Proyektor Nebula with Bluetooth Speaker 18 Color 186XL Speaker Bluetooth Speaker Speaker Bluetooth Bass Bluetooth Speker Bluetooth Super Bass Spiker Bluetooth Super Bass Speker Speaker Bluetooth Mini Spiker Bass Mp3 Bluetooth Speaker