Almond cake comes in 4 flavors Taro, Dark choco, Matcha, and Bailey's. Kenapa namanya almond cake? bukan cake dikasih topping almond ya, tapi cake ini terbuat dari ALMOND FLOUR! that's why aku sebut nya almond cake. .
whats so special about this cake? 1. GLUTEN FREE! as requested by soooo many of you, so I came up with the idea to make a gluten free cake. 2. DAIRY FREE! buat kalian yg lactose intolerant , cake ini menggunakan unsweetened plant-based milk. 3. SUGAR FREE! so it's diabetic friendly too. 4. EGGLESS! cake ini sama sekali tidak menggunakan telur jadi aman bagi kalian yg alergi. 5. VEGAN! . . You can choose up to 2 flavors in 1 box. mix and match the flavor sesuai selera masing2 1 box = 12 mini cups only 80 kkal / serving (2 pcs) . . Pricelist: 75k ( 1 or 2 flavors without Bailey's) 95k ( mix 2 flavors include Bailey's) 115k (only Bailey's) . baileys nya asli ya bukan essence jadi non halal
Tahan 2 minggu di kulkas Hangatkan di microwave 15-20 detik sblm makan atau di steam