Detail Alat Ukur Siku Square permukaan Sudut tile Laser Line Lantai Keramik
Alat yang sangat berguna untuk berbagai keperluan
Laser Line menghasilkan 2 garis lurus 90 derajat.
Ideal untuk interior designer, pemasangan keramik, pemasangan kayu, karpet, parquet dll
- Material: ABS
- Generate two lines on the floor at 90 degree angles for surface layout including tile, stone, brick, carpet and hardwood flooring and more
- Simple one button operation powers two perpendicular laser lines (90 degree) on and off
- With two suction cups, only for smooth and flat surface
- Double bubble level, for flat or straight precise alignment, the recyclable needle make the straight line remain intact while working
- To save the time of measurement angles and drawing lines
Ukuran: 19.1 cm x 10 cm x 5.2 cm
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