Detail Alat Siram Tetes Tanaman Drip Irigasi Tetes Botol Kebun Pot Otomatis
Alat Tetes Siram Air Tanaman
NOTE: Harga tertera untuk 1 buah
CATATAN: - Rekomendasi pakai botol Pocari, Sprite, Coca cola - Berikan lubang udara diatas botol, agar air bisa keluar dan tidak tersendat - TIDAK BISA pakai botol air mineral, aqua, ades, dll
Varian Warna: - Biru - Hijau
Features: 1. The flow rate can be controlled. The plant watering device with control valve can control the dripping speed of 0-60s / 1 drip, and the sustained release drip lasts for 1-15 days. 2. Simple and convenient, no need for any cumbersome installation, just drill some holes in the bottom of the bottle or cut the tail of the bottle. 3. Suitable for brand bottles: Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Lipton, Deet Coke, pocari or other 1.1-inch inner diameter bottles.
Specifications: Material: plastic Size: single 135*30mm