Video perkenalan produk Alat Pengasah Pisau Butcher Knife Sharpener Tongkat Pengasah Pisau Asah Dapur Asahan Pisau Golok Daging. Sumber: Shopee.
◆ Try This Superior Honing Kit and Bring Your Knives Back To Life! ◆ Do your kitchen or utility knives seem to have lost their edge lately? ◆ Are you trying to give your knives back their cutting power, but you don’t want to take years off their life with a stone or ceramic sharpener? ◆ Have you been searching for a solid honing rod that won’t cost you an arm and a leg? ◆ Finely slice those veggies and cleave through the toughest meats with your newly rejuvenated, finely-honed knives thanks to this all-in-one Honing Steel Kit.
Features: Material:Stainless steel Plastic handle with hanging loop Easy to clean, Just Wipe with soft damp cloth for cleaning
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