Detail Alat Medis Alkes Universal Ligature and Wire Scissor 12 cm|Renz Surgical|Gunting Medis|Gunting Operasi|Gunting Dokter|Gunting Bedah
Nama Produk: Universal Ligature and Wire Scissor 12 cm
Ukuan: 12 cm
Merek: Renz Surgical Instrument
Bahan Material: Stainless Steel
Rp. 107,000 / PCS
Rp. 105,500 / 100 PCS
Barang Di Proses H+1 Setelah Transfer Pembayaran
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Produk Original Produksi Pabrik Internal
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Alat Medis Alkes Universal Ligature and Wire Scissor 12 cm|Renz Surgical|Gunting Medis|Gunting Operasi|Gunting Dokter|Gunting Bedah
Alat Medis Alkes Universal Ligature and Wire Scissor 12 cm|Renz Surgical|Gunting Medis|Gunting Operasi|Gunting Dokter|Gunting Bedah
Alat Medis Alkes Universal Ligature and Wire Scissor 12 cm|Renz Surgical|Gunting Medis|Gunting Operasi|Gunting Dokter|Gunting Bedah