Detail Alat Batik Ban / Alat Ukir Ban / Tyre Engraving Machine
Mesin pengukir ban digunakan untuk permukaan ban dan permukaan karet lainnya yang meningkatkan gesekan antara ban dan tanah
Power Supply Tegangan masukan: 220v Daya Masukan: 350 w
instruksi keselamatan 1. Perlindungan kebocoran daya diperlukan untuk mesin ini 2. Daya harus dimatikan sebelum dibersihkan 3. Matikan listrik segera saat selesai
The tire engraving machine is used for the tire surface and other rubber surfaces which increase the friction between the tire and the ground
Power Supply Input voltage: 220v Input Power: 350w
safety instructions 1. Power leakage protection is required for this machine 2. The power must be turned off before cleaning 3. Turn off the power immediately when finished