Alat Bantu Pendengaran HA 50 Beurer

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Detail Alat Bantu Pendengaran HA 50 Beurer

Hearing Aid HA 50 Beurer Germany Garansi 3 tahun
- Alat bantu dengar

Deskripsi Produk ;

- Ideal untuk kemampuan pendengaran yang terbatas
- Nyaman
- Tersedia 3 aksesories sesuai dengan kebutuhan lubang telinga
- Kebisingan rendah
- Pengeras suara : maks 40 dB, Output audio maks 128 dB
- Range frekuensi : 100-6000 Hz
- menggunakan baterai LR754 x 1 (sudah termasuk 2 pcs)
- Made in Germany
- Garansi 3 tahun

Produk Original Beurer Germany

Product description ;

The hearing amplifier is ideal for people with restricted hearing ability. The device helps people to hear better and does this by amplifying sounds and then transmitting these to the ear. Both indoor and outdoor sounds are strengthened. 3 attachments make it comfortable to wear and fit perfectly into the ear canal
The hearing amplifier offers you a variety of applications. Regardless of whether you want to watch a film, chat with friends or just feel like listening to the sounds of nature in the woods, the hearing amplifier helps you to hear sounds louder and more clearly.

- Ideal for restricted hearing ability
- Frequency range: 100 - 6000 Hz
- Sound amplification: 40 dB
- Maximum audio output: 128 dB
- Ergonomic fit behind the ear, barely visible
- Amplifies the volume of all sounds indoors and outdoors
- 3 attachments to individually adjust to the ear canal
- Low-noise rendering
- Incl. battery and replacement battery
- Made In Germany ( Warranty 3 years )

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Alat Bantu Pendengaran HA 50 Beurer
Alat Bantu Pendengaran HA 50 Beurer
Alat Bantu Pendengaran HA 50 Beurer
Alat Bantu Pendengaran HA 50 Beurer