Detail Akko MOD 007 Southfacing V2 - Keyboard Barebone
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The south-facing PCB version of MOD007 v2. Plate: aluminum and polycarbonate plates; Gasket Mount: the aluminum plate comes with silicon gasket (to avoid misplacement) by default with spare poron gaskets for users to pick; The MOD007v2 will not come as pre-assembled (screws provided), making it easier for users to mod; Comes with both poron plate foam and bottom case foam, specifically the case foam are pre-cut against the hot-swappable sockets to reduce unnecessary space for improved sound profile; Poron switch pads added to the kit; Reduced PCBa thickness to 1.2mm to increase the softness, and be compatible with more screw-in stabilizers; Black Coiled Cable.
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Akko MOD 007 Southfacing V2 - Keyboard BareboneAkko MOD 007 Southfacing V2 - Keyboard BareboneAkko MOD 007 Southfacing V2 - Keyboard BareboneAkko MOD 007 Southfacing V2 - Keyboard BareboneAkko MOD 007 Southfacing V2 - Keyboard BareboneAkko MOD 007 Southfacing V2 - Keyboard Barebone