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Jika ingin komplain, wajib melampirkan video unboxing paket dari awal membuka paket hingga menemukan kecacatan pada produk. Jika tidak mengirim video atau video tidak memenuhi syarat yang telah disampaikan maka kami tidak dapat menerima komplain. Terima kasih.
Before delivery, we will check our product first (check about the damage on the product). So, we are guarantee that our product really in good condition. If you want to complain, you must give a prove (video) from the start you open the package untill find out the damage on product. If you not give a prove then we will not accept your complain. Thank you.
DESKRIPSI : -Desain earbud sentuh, multifungsi untuk mengontrol on/off, jawab/tutup telepon, play/pause music (design earbuds touchscreen, multifunction to control on or off, can accept or decline the call, play or pause music) -Kualitas suara yang baik dan jernih ( the quality of sound is really good and clean) -Desain tanpa kabel, body kecil dan portable nyaman digunakan kebutuhan sehari-hari (design without cable, small size and comfortable to use everyday you want) -Dilengkapi microphone di kedua sisi , dapat menjawab panggilan dengan mudah (microphone on both side so you can call easily) -Tampilan yang stylish dan trendy (with a stylish and trendy design) -Pas di telinga , nyaman dipakai ( fit in ears and comfortable to use)
Specifications Response frequency (Hz): 20-20000 Impedance (ohm): 32Ω Sensitivity (dB): 108dB Talk time (H): 2-3 hours or so Music time (H):2-3 hours or so Standby time (H): 1000 hours Charging time (H): 1 hours Battery capacity: earphone 35mAh, charging box 300mAh
ISI PAKET - 2 x Bluetooth Earphone - 1 x Charging Case - 1 x Lightning Cable - 1 x Manual book
VARIAN WARNA : Hitam, biru muda,biru dongker ,hijau, abu2, pink, putih, kuning. Colour : black, soft blue, yellow, green, pink, grey, navy and white.