Detail Air Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non Stick
Video perkenalan produk Air Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non Stick. Sumber: Shopee.
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Material: Silicone paper Warna : Putih/Cokelat Size: 160mmX45mm Heat resistant(30-230°C) Isi - 25pcs / 50pcs /100pcs
Oil-tight silicone special coating Silicone coating does not stick and does not leak the oil, so it can be used neatly from cooking to finishing. It's convenient because the oil doesn't leak out!
Clean after using air fryer After using the air fryer, throw away the paper foil you used without having to clean the grease or stains. Just put the paper foil you used in the trash can and you're done!
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Air Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non StickAir Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non StickAir Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non StickAir Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non StickAir Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non StickAir Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non StickAir Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non StickAir Fryer Paper Cooking Tray Baking Paper Kertas Baking Non Stick