Detail adjustable arm sling shoulder support with bandage, arm and shoulder immobilizer
INDIKASI • Cedera pada brachial plexus, bahu atau siku; • Patah tulang humerus or clavicle • dislocations, contusions and sprains; • Untuk mencegah rotasi eksternal (Pasca operasi) • hemiplegia.
SELLING POINT • Dapat digunakan untuk bagian kanan dan kiri • Mudah digunakan • Tali penahan dapat disesuaikan ukurannya
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adjustable arm sling shoulder support with bandage, arm and shoulder immobilizeradjustable arm sling shoulder support with bandage, arm and shoulder immobilizeradjustable arm sling shoulder support with bandage, arm and shoulder immobilizeradjustable arm sling shoulder support with bandage, arm and shoulder immobilizeradjustable arm sling shoulder support with bandage, arm and shoulder immobilizer