Detail ACS758 LCB-050B-PFF-T Sensor Arus ACS758 50A Current Arduino
SEN-0148 ========
Deskripsi: ================================= ACS758LCB-050B-PFF-T. Sensor arus ini memakai metode Hall Effect, outputnya linier yang memberikan solusi ekonomis dan tepat untuk penginderaan arus AC atau DC. Rentang pengukuran arus sampai 50A dan tegangan kerja 3.3-5V dengan output yang dapat dihubungkan ke mikrokontroler dengan mudah. Hemat dalam penggunaan pinout.
Features and Benefits: ================================= 1.Industry-leading noise performance through proprietary amplifier and filter design techniques 2.Integrated shield greatly reduces capacitive coupling from current conductor to die due to high dV/dt signals,and prevents offset drift in high-side,high voltage applications 3.Total output error improvement through gain and offset trim over temperature 4.Small package size, with easy mounting capability 5.Monolithic Hall IC for high reliability 6.Ultra-low power loss: 100 internal conductor resistance 7.Galvanic isolation allows use in economical, high-side current sensing in high voltage systems 8.3.0 to 5.5 V, single supply operation 9.120 KHz typical bandwidth 10.3 us output rise time in response to step input current 11.Output voltage proportional to AC or DC currents 12.Factory-trimmed for accuracy 13.Extremely stable output offset voltage 14.Nearly zero magnetic hysteresis 15.Board Size:38.22*18.03mm
Paket: ================================= 1 x ACS758 LCB-050B-PFF-T Sensor Arus ACS758 50A Current Arduino
Gambar produk
ACS758 LCB-050B-PFF-T Sensor Arus ACS758 50A Current ArduinoACS758 LCB-050B-PFF-T Sensor Arus ACS758 50A Current ArduinoACS758 LCB-050B-PFF-T Sensor Arus ACS758 50A Current Arduino