Detail Abridged Classic Series: Tom Sawyer by Saviour Pirotta
+ Kondisi Buku : Segel ( Baru ) original + Harga Toko 60.000
Tom Sawyer and his mischievous friend Huckleberry Finn love adventures. Join them as they run away from home, explore caves, and search for buried treasure all while trying to stay out of trouble. This enchanting tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers.
Detail Jumlah Halaman 200.0
Penerbit Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia
Tanggal Terbit 16 Sep 2019
Berat 0.176 kg
ISBN 9786024812171
Lebar 13.5 cm
Panjang 20.0cm
Gambar produk
Abridged Classic Series: Tom Sawyer by Saviour PirottaAbridged Classic Series: Tom Sawyer by Saviour Pirotta