Abridged Classic Series by Annabel Savery

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Detail Abridged Classic Series by Annabel Savery

Sinopsis 1 : Abridged Classic Series: The Secret Garden

When Mary is sent to live in a Gloomy house in England, she feels very lonely But then she find the key to lost garden, and makes a new friend, Dickon. Can the magical garden help her cousin Colin, too?
This wonderful tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers.

Sinopsis 2 : Abridged Classic Series : Robinson Crusoe

Robinson Crusoe could never have guessed what a sailor's life held in store for him. Find out how he faces pirates, slavery, and shipwreck, and survives twenty-eight years on a desert island.
This thrilling tale has been retold and adapted with new illustrations, making it perfect for younger readers.

+ Kondisi Buku : Segel ( Baru ) Original. Buku Berbahasa Inggris

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Abridged Classic Series by Annabel Savery
Abridged Classic Series by Annabel Savery
Abridged Classic Series by Annabel Savery
Abridged Classic Series by Annabel Savery