Detail ABN Regal Clock Aneroid Mobile Model / Tensimeter Manual Stand Jarum
ABN™ REGAL MOBILE MODEL The Moveable Clock Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
Product Features - Featuring a two pieces stand column for easy height adjustment and strong base design with five caster wheels ensures the easy movement and stability - The mobile unit is integral with stylish cuff storage basket - Large face 8", 300 mmHg no pin stop mechanism of manometer gauge - All the necessary hardware and 8 ft extendable latex coiled tubing are included
Size : Adult Cuff Color : Black
Spesifikasi : * Ukuran manometer 8 inci tanpa pin stop
Kelengkapan : * Keranjang tempat menyimpan manset dan bulb * Manset berbahan Nylon dengan bladder lateks, 2 selang bebahan lateks * Selang spiral yang bisa dipanjangkan * Bulb ABN lateks dengan valve berlogo ABN * Trolley beroda
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ABN Regal Clock Aneroid Mobile Model / Tensimeter Manual Stand JarumABN Regal Clock Aneroid Mobile Model / Tensimeter Manual Stand Jarum