Detail 7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa
Video perkenalan produk 7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa. Sumber: Shopee.
7 Rupa Sup Jamur ini merupakan jamur pilihan yang diracik sedemikian rupa untuk mendapatkan manfaat terbaik untuk kesehatan. Sup Jamur ini berasal dari Yunnan, China & terkenal sebagai sup yang kaya manfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan, stamina & kekebalan tubuh.
Packaging : 100 grams, 7 jenis jamur & 3 tambahan (jujube, goji berry & seasoning)
Cara Memasak: 1. Cuci bersih 7+2 bahan selain bumbu seasoning (bungkus bubuk) 2. Rendam dengan air bersih 20 menit 3. Masukan semua bahan beserta daging (ayam, sapi, kambing, bakut, dll) ke dalam panci yang berisi air bersih 4. Rebus sampai daging empuk/matang. 5 menit sebelum selesai, masukan seasoning dan aduk rata. Siap dihidangkan.
Note : 1 paket sup jamur ini untuk porsi 3-5 orang, disarankan dihabiskan dalam sekali makan
Health benefits of 7 selected Mushroom : 1. Tea Tree Mushroom 茶树菇 - Anti-tumor properties - Anti-inflammatory properties - Anti-fungal properties - Slows down osteoporosis - Contains high amounts of vitamins and minerals
3. Boletus edulis 牛肝菌 - Nutritional, no cholesterol or fat - Good source of protein, dietary fiber and iron, and minerals. - Anti-oxidant activity - Kill colon cancer cells - Reduce inflammation - Potential as a treatment of asthma
4. Cordyceps Flower 虫草花 - May boost exercise performance - Anti Aging Properties - Potential anti-tumor effects - May help manage type 2 diabetes - Approved in China for the treatment of arrhythmia - May help fight inflammation
5. Bamboo Fungus 竹荪 - May help to reduce low-density lipo-protein (bad cholesterol) - Shares some of the therapeutic properties (anti-cancer, anti-inflammation, anti-hyperglycemic and antimicrobial)
6. Chanterelle Mushroom 鸡油菌 - A great source of vitamins - Contains fiber - Anti-inflammatory properties
7. Agaricus blazei Mushroom - Asthma - Atherosclerosis - Cancer - Dermatitis - Diabetes - Hepatitis - High blood pressure - High cholesterol - Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
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7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa7 Treasure Mushroom Soup Qi Cai Jun Tang Bao Sup Jamur 7 Rupa