(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark
(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark
Perawatan & Kecantikan > Perawatan Kuku > Cat Kuku > (41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark
Detail (41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark
ROSALIND Gel Nail Polish UV LED hanya bisa dikeringkan menggunakan UV LED lamp
4 variasi UV Nail Polish
Glitter Gel : 41-50, 61-70 Cat eye Gel : 51-56 (Kutek dengan efek mata kucing / cat eye) Glow in the dark : 71, 72, 73 (dapat menyala jika gelap) Temperature change : 74-86 (dapat berubah warna jika terjadi perubahan suhu)
Petunjuk pemakaian untuk hasil yang maksimal:
1. Ratakan permukaan kuku, bersihkan kutikula, gosok permukaan kuku, dan bersihkan.
2. Oleskan Rosalind Base Coat. Keringkan dengan lampu LED selama 60 detik atau lampu UV selama 2 menit.
3. Oleskan Rosalind Color Nail Gel Polish. Keringkan dengan lampu LED selama 60 detik atau lampu UV selama 2 menit.
4. Oleskan Rosalind Color Nail Gel Polish beberapa kali lagi jika warna dirasa kurang. Keringkan dengan lampu LED selama 60 detik atau lampu UV selama 2 menit.
5. Oleskan Rosalind Top Coat. Keringkan dengan lampu LED selama 60 detik atau lampu UV selama 2 menit.
6. Hapus permukaan yg lengket dengan kapas yg dibasahi oleh pembersih
Ada kemungkinan terdapat perbedaan warna karena dapat di sebabkan oleh beberapa alasan seperti warna refleksi di dalam monitor lighting latar belakang.
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Gambar produk
(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark(41-86) Rosalind Kutek UV Gel Polish Kutek Cat eye, Glitter, Temperature Change, Glow in the dark/Rosalind Nail Gel Polish/Cat eye Gel polish/Glitter UV gel/Kutek UV LED/Kutek glow in the dark