40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi

Elektronik > Elektronik Lainnya > 40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
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Detail 40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi

40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi

*** Minimal Pemesanan Adalah Rp.20.000, Belum Termasuk Ongkir (Bisa di gabung dengan barang lain). ***

Barang sama/sesuai dengan foto diatas.

Spesifikasi :
- Jenis / Tipe : MALE to FEMALE
- Panjang : 30 Cm
- Pitch : 2.54mm
- Jumlah Kabel : 40 Pcs

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40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi
40Pcs Kabel Jumper 30cm MALE to FEMALE Dupont Cable Wire Pelangi