Detail 3in1 Soil Teater Meter Tanah PH Water Moisture Light Keasaman
Apakah tanaman anda layu dan kurang subur ? Jika ya, problemnya bisa bersumber dari tanahnya dan pencahayaan. Dengan meter 3 in 1 PH, kelembaban dan pencahayaan, anda bisa mendeteksi penyebabnya. Tidak perlu baterai dan listrik, cukup tancapkan ke tanah. Ada saklar geser utk berpindah fungsi sebagai PH / Moisture / Light.
Alat survei tanah 3 in 1 dengan fungsi fungsi: pH meter - Ukur Asam Basa tanah Moisture - Ukur kelembaban tanah Light meter - Ukur kadar matahari (melalui tingkat cahaya) yg diterima tanah
Benefits: 3 functions in one compact meter - measure the moisture and pH content of the soil and the environmental light Scientifically accurate No need for batteries Easy-to-read scale indicator Incredibly simple to use - just stick it in the soil! Works with house and garden plants Instructions included Specification: Meter: 5 x 8 x 3.5cm [2 x 3.2 x 1.5"] Probe length: 21cm [8"]
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3in1 Soil Teater Meter Tanah PH Water Moisture Light Keasaman