2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris
2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris
Deskripsi singkat
Perlengkapan Rumah > Renovasi Rumah > Alat Pemeliharaan Rumah Lainnya > 2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris
Detail 2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris
Hai sayang! Selamat datang di toko kami! Senang Berkunjung dan Klik untuk "Ikuti" Toko Kami, Akan Menikmati Lebih Banyak Diskon Voucher。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ★★★Pls Nikmati layanan Terbaik Kami:★★★ ★Pengiriman cepat 1 Waktu Pengiriman: 24 Jam 2 Waktu Tiba: 7-15 hari (Asia Tenggara) 15-25 hari (Amerika Latin, Eropa)
★ Perlindungan pembeli 1: Pengembalian dana sepenuhnya jika Anda tidak menerima pesanan Anda 2 Pengembalian dana penuh atau sebagian, jika barang tidak seperti yang dijelaskan --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
★★★Deskripsi Produk★★★: Keterangan Lindungi bantalan wiper dari puing-puing, daun mati, salju dan kerusakan membeku Mudah dipasang, tahan aus, dingin dan tahan suhu tinggi Spesifikasi Warna: Hitam Ukuran: diameter sekitar 7.4 cm Bahan: silikon Jumlah: 2 Paket Termasuk: 2 * Penutup pelindung lubang penghapus
★ Catatan: Harap dicatat bahwa karena efek pencahayaan, pengaturan kecerahan/kontras tampilan, dll., warna foto situs web dan barang sebenarnya mungkin sedikit berbeda. ★ Dimensi diukur dengan tangan. Perkenankan kesalahan ukuran 1-3 cm karena pengukuran manual yang berbeda. ★ Silakan lihat produk yang sebenarnya, Terima kasih
Gambar produk
2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris2 Pcs of Small Hole Wiper Hole Protective Cover/Windshield Wiper Cover/Wiper Hole Dust Pad/ The Wiper Bottom Protective Cover is Dustproof and Leaf Debris